Thursday, March 12, 2020

cubism (late) response

List the steps on your Blogs and answer the following questions...
1. Take pictures at different time of day.

2. Change some saturations and filters on the pictures.
3. Put all pictures together in photoshop.
4. Cut the pictures to fit what the original picture looked like.
5. Put them together.How many photographs do you think were used in the composition?

Were all of the photos taken at the same time of day?
No, they look like they are at different times of day because some of the pictures are more dark than others because the sun went down.

Are there any obvious post-processing (Photoshop) enhancements?

Yes, some pictures were photoshopped, some of the pictures look more saturated to enhance certain things.

Any other considerations?

The people that were in the pictures, and how they were to be fit together to make the image look good.

Wednesday, February 26, 2020

reflection/ reflection

My goal was to take more time in photoshop and take more time taking my picture I would give myself at B- because I have taken more time considering and trying different things but it still not the best I could do while take images. For photoshop we haven't used it much this semester but I am getting more comfortable with i making it easier to do well though out projects.

restoring family photos

Friday, February 21, 2020

future self

Dear Grace,
         Past self, photography is going to be a very fun first period. It gives you creative and a relax period but if I could give you one piece of advice it would be to not procrastinate. Saving projects to the last minute makes everything super stressful. Also LISTEN like don't talk while he is explaining something.

       You will appreciate just those small things because all the stress I have had in the class could have been avoided. If I would've listen a little better I could've avoided being stress while using photoshop. My best project was my final because I took my time and tried and used photoshop well.

      This project used both photography and photoshop skills it was also super fun to make. 
Have a good sophomore year because it only gets harder :)