Tuesday, December 17, 2019


I) Write a paragraph in response to each of the following as they relate to you and your perception of your class experience: 

Quality of Your Work


Address the sub-topics in the bullet points below but do not write a list–this should be more of a narrative, describing your thoughts about your work in this class so far.

1. Quality of work

    My quality of work is pretty decent because I take good photos, I don't always use these photos in the best subject matter. In fulfilling the assignment I would say I also finish my assignments with the requirements. I do everything that is needed but I could go deeper into the project. I always do the proper format and resolution. I always get my work done before or on time when it is due. I need to work on going beyond my first idea I ususlly just use the first two ideas I have. 
2. Effort
    My effort of taking photos and looking for a good spot to take them is decent. Planning the photographs could've been better and more time thought out but not terrible. I sometimes shoot more than required and that is difficult. I don't give up if it's hard because it's part of this class. No I don't take risk next quarter I am going to try. I do have a positive feedback because I think everyone is god in this class. I think I need to be more positive towards my own.

3. Participation
    I am a on time to class. If I'm struggling I won't give up but I will ask for help. Most of the time I work independently unless I have a question. I stay on task until all my work is done.

4. Improvement
    I think I have had improvement. I think I have put more effort into the last few projects. I have had the projects better planned out so it's not chaotic. My images are more together and flowing well now. I have more confidence after this last project.
5. Adjustment

What are you going to do differently in the 2nd Semester?
   I am going to take more time on my projects. More effort and better ideas I am going to try to accomplish.

II) Suggest an assignment.  

Is there something that you've wanted to do with your photography that we are not yet addressing?  Suggest an assignment and I will choose from your ideas and incorporate one of them into a project. 

   I want to do more projects with in class shoots.

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