Tuesday, February 4, 2020

What Art?

1) Describe the mood of the image(s)  What is the expression on the faces of the models?  What is their posture?
     I think the mood is stressed The faces looked like no expression or a little sad, their posture is slouched and the background is reds.
2) Think about technique.  How do you imagine these images were created? Oil paint? Photoshop?
    I think they used oil paints. They used wide strokes so you can see the paint strokes.
3) Ask yourself what role color plays in the images(?)  Does it accentuate the mood?
     The colors play a role in the mood because they are a big factor of the piece of art. Using red is anger while blue is sad or calm.
4) Finally, what do you think the artist intended to convey with these images?  What response was he/she attempting to evoke?  Do you think the effort was successful?
    I think they were trying to capture human emotions by color instead of expressions. They were trying to evoke sympathy and I think it was effective,

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